Լաք փայտի համար Новбытхим ХВ-784 տանձ 0,5 լ

Price | Varnishes

1900 AMD

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Varnish that protects wood and emphasizes its natural appearance, intended for interior and exterior finishing works.
Country of Origin։ Russia

Lacquers ХВ-784 are intended for toning and protection of wooden products used in atmospheric conditions and indoors. Gives a noble shade to wooden products. To change the intensity of the color of the coating, the tinted varnish can be diluted with a colorless varnish. If it is necessary to emphasize the grain of the wood, it is recommended to apply a colorless varnish to the wood, previously treated with water or non-water stains, or use a tinted varnish.

Resistant to washing: Washable

Shelf life: 2 years

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